-It’s your wisdom and understanding in the sight of nations
St. John 12:23
-If you don’t die you’re not with God
Romans 5:7
-scarcely one dies for the righteous -we are to die out of carnality
Matthew 7:13 & 14
-the strait gate is the leader sent from God -the way of God is narrow and it leads to life
St. John 12:24 & 25
-If it dies it brings forth much fruit. When we die out of carnality we bring forth much fruit, the fruits of the spirit
Romans 8:13
-Through the spirit (the word) mortify the deeds of the body and you’ll live in God
Romans 8:5
-mind the things of the spirit in order to die daily
Romans 7:14
-the law is spiritual (through the spirit) mortify the deeds of the flesh. Mortify a carnal mind by keeping God’s word.
Romans 8:6 & 7